Every Monday this summer, we will be introducing you to Alpha Delta Pi’s, 12 Executive Officers. These women work extremely hard to keep our chapter running and creating fun events for us all and can’t wait to tell you why they love being ADPI officers.
Chapter President - Ally Brannon
Today you will meet our Chapter President, Ally Brannon. Ally is a Senior Psychology major from New Orleans, LA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

ADPi has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and be a leader in ways that I never imagined myself! I have met so many amazing people throughout the last years and really found a home away from home. My favorite part about being President is not only getting to collaborate with all of the officers within ADPi, but also getting to meet and become friends with other members of the Greek community! 💕
Vice President of Operations - Lainey Quinn
Today you will meet our Vice President of Operations, Lainey Quinn. Lainey is a Junior Kinesiology major from Lafayette, LA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

I love getting to work with some of my best friends and favorite sisters almost everyday, whether I’m meeting or helping to put on an event or workshop! I get to do a lot of behind-the-scenes work and really enjoy the organization and logistics of it all. The end result and making our chapter the best it can is always super rewarding and why I love being an ADPi officer!!
Vice President of Membership Experience - Mackenzie Matherne
Today you will meet our Vice President of Membership Experience, Mackenzie Matherne. Mackenzie is a Junior Communication Disorders major from Covington, LA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

One thing I love about my position is working with other officers like sisterhood, new member, alumni, and ritual to make sure our members are getting their full experience in ADPi! It’s been so much fun working with other exec members and creating memories in our chapter that will last forever.
Director of New Member Experience - Sydney Dombrowski
Today you will meet our Director of New Member Experience, Sydney Dombrowski. Sydney is a Junior Marketing major from Yardley, PA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

I love getting to work with all of our new members because I really enjoyed my experience in our new member program. It’s amazing to watch all of the girls grow throughout their time in the program, and to see the friendships they make along the way. I can’t wait to meet the new Alpha class this Fall!
Vice President of Panhellenic Relations - Maeve Cleary
Today you will meet our Vice President of Panhellenic Relations, Maeve Cleary. Maeve is a Senior Fashion Merchandising major from Keller, TX and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

"I have loved making connections and building friendships down the row. It is so much fun representing ADPi at the weekly PHC meetings. I’m looking forward to all the down the row events in the fall!"
Vice President of Event Management - Destiny Bauer
Today you will meet our Vice President of Event Management, Destiny Bauer. Destiny is a Junior Mass Communications major from Baton Rouge, LA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“ADPI is so great when it comes to events! Collaborating with members and exec is so fun because we throw out the most random ideas and they end up being such fun events. I love throwing parties that make our sisters and other people happy, throwing a good event is so rewarding!!”
Director of Primary Recruitment - Juliana Long
Today you will meet our Director of Primary Recruitment, Juliana Long. Juliana is a Senior Marketing major from New Orleans, LA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“Recruitment is an incredible experience not only for pnm’s going through but for all women within the greek community. I loved being involved behind the scenes with recruitment the past few years so planning it this year has made my experience even more meaningful! I am grateful for the memories I’ve made so far and I can’t wait to make more! I’m excited to see everyone again in the fall and can’t wait to welcome pnm’s to the place I can call my second home:)
See ya’ll in August! ”
Vice President of Marketing - Kaitlin Dellert
Today you will meet our Vice President of Marketing, Kaitlin Dellert. Kaitlin is a Junior Marketing major from Savannah, GA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“My favorite part of my position is being able to promote creativity everyday and having the opportunity to showcase my favorite place to the rest of the world! This position has introduced me to many new experiences and I am so grateful for all of the new friendships ADPi has brought me. I can’t wait to be back in the fall and see you all there!”
Director of Facility Management - Chloe Johnson
Today you will meet our Director of Facility Management, Chloe Johnson. Chloe is a Junior Fashion Merchandising major from Dallas, TX and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“I love being on ADPi exec because I get to work with a group of amazing and passionate girls! I also love my position because I get to create a home away from home for all the girls that live in the house. Being involved in ADPi has been the best decision I’ve ever made!”
Vice President of Finance AR - Emma Bruney
Today you will meet our Vice President of Finance Accounts Receivable, Emma Bruney. Emma is a Junior Marketing major with minors in English and History from Nederland, TX and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“Coming home to ADPi will forever be one of my life’s most valuable moments. Being on Exec, I have loved forming closer bonds with my sisters and showing them that Omega can be their home away from home. The friendships I have made are truly priceless, and I know they will last a lifetime!”
Vice President of Finance AP - Maggie York
Today you will meet our Vice President of Finance Accounts Payable, Maggie York. Maggie is a Senior Accounting major with minors in Analytics & Information Technology Management from Houston, TX and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“I love being so involved with the chapter! Since starting my position, I’ve been able to meet more people and give back to this chapter that I love so much! My favorite part about being the VPF AP is helping members understand the finances of the chapter. This position has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone & has helped me grow into the woman I am today!”
Vice President of Member Development - Stephanie Wong
Today you will meet our Vice President of Member Development, Stephanie Wong. Stephanie is a Senior Biology major with a minor in Sociology from Prairieville, LA and she is going to tell you why she loves being an Executive Officer for Alpha Delta Pi.

“What I love about my position is being able to be someone that girls can reach out to if they ever need a ride, need to a place to crash, or need someone to talk to! Being in ADPi and in this position has helped me get out of my comfort zone and has gotten me to meet so many amazing, kind, funny, and loving girls. I’m super grateful for my sisters and my advisors for making sure I’m the best version of myself and leader to others, and hope I can help lead other sisters to be the best versions of themselves!”